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Christ Unlimited Ministries

Bud and Betty Miller
Bud and Betty Miller, Co-Founders of Christ Unlimited Ministries

Who We Are

Christ Unlimited Ministries:
Christ Unlimited Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit, Christian based, 501(c)(3) ministry outreach and online church that propagates the gospel via this website over the Internet.  Christ Unlimited Ministries sponsors and supports the website and its online outreach with access to multiple online Bible versions, Bible Resources and Bible related Christian literature. 

Original Ministry Founders were R.S. “Bud” and Betty Miller – Current Directors are Earl Haddix & Betty Miller-Haddix and John Hunt
Christ Unlimited Ministries was founded by the late R. S. “Bud” and Betty Miller. Pastor Bud Miller passed away in January of 2020. Betty and the ministry staff took over the management of the ministry at that time until Fall of 2023 when she remarried. Pastors Bud and Betty were ordained ministers and began as board members of Christ Unlimited Ministries, Inc. The ministry operates as a online church, with a non-profit 501(c)(3) exemption status. Bud and Betty began serving the Lord together in 1977 when they married. As pastors and teachers of the Word of God at the Christ Unlimited Fellowship in Dewey, Arizona, they developed a Bible School curriculum and taught and discipled many students that graduated and went on to serve in various ministry capacities. The Bible School curriculum was and is the basis of much of the online literature. That information is available at the website. Betty’s recent marriage to Earl Haddix in October of 2023 has been a blessing to Betty and the ministry. Earl serves as the Property Manager and the Business Manager at Christ Unlimited Ministries. The ministry has always been financially supported by contributions from friends, partners of the ministry and those who use the resources available at the website. Current Board Directors are: Betty Miller-Haddix, Earl Haddix and John Hunt. JohnMark Pool, Mark Bristow and Gordon Landies comprise the Advisory Board for the ministry.

Learn More About the History of the Ministry

What We Do

Message and Mission Statement

The mission is to help change the world via our BibleResources Center by reaching the masses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ Unlimited Ministries offers the Bible in different languages and translations, Bible Answers, Bible Teachings, Devotionals, a Bible Search Tool, Bible tools for mobile devices, Bible Studies and Reading Plans in text, audio and video. We help you answer questions as to what the Bible says about many important topics, plus where in the Bible those answers are located. This is all available so people can know the God of the Bible! We thank you for your prayers and support– your gifts are essential to our mission.

Bible Based Teachings and Literature

Through the writings and teachings that God has given Betty Miller-Haddix and others, Christ Unlimited Ministries is dedicated to building an online Bible Resource Center that shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The teachings on this site present an Overcoming Life message that helps Christians everywhere grow in  the Lord and become overcomers in Christ through a dedicated and holy walk with God. Read more…

Where We Have Been (Our History)

Christ Unlimited Ministries and Bud & Betty Miller have served the Lord in several different capacities over the last 40 years as pastors, teachers, and evangelists with an apostolic/prophetic calling to proclaim the gospel through the Internet. Since Betty’s recent marriage to Earl Haddix, the Lord continues to use her anointed writings to fulfill her call in the office of a teacher in the five-fold ministry.  Earl is fulfilling his calling in the roll of an administrator. They both have a strong intercessory prayer ministry, as they labor in prayer to find the heart of God regarding issues that need prayer for God’s will to be fulfilled in this world. As prayer partners, they desire to see the Kingdom of God established in this earth. Read more…

What We Believe (Our Doctrinal Statement of Faith)

“Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” John 7:16-17 Read more…

What People Are Saying (Testimonies)

Psalm 105:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.”

Psalm 145:12 “To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom.”

Click here to read people’s testimonies.

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