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Testimonies Of How God is Using

“Thank you so much for this web site. As I sit and read the daily devotional, I say “thank you Lord” because they really knew what I needed today! Of course I know that it is God who knows, but it is you who are being obedient–and I just want to say THANK YOU.”

“O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people” (Psalm 105:1).

Internet Friends:

All of the praise goes to God for the things that He is doing through We are honored and humbled to simply “come along for the ride.” We never would have imagined how we could be ministering to so many age groups, nationalities, and denominations all at once!

If you do not have a missionary outreach and would like to help us reach the world through the Internet, please seek the Lord about helping us. This is one of the most cost-effective means of sending the gospel all over the world in the shortest period of time. Best of all, once the information is up, it is available for free to all who have access to the Internet and mobile devices–a number that grows daily by leaps and bounds.

The following is but a small compilation of some of the regular sorts of testimonies, requests, and input that we have received. Please understand that we share these letters with a humble and grateful heart. Our intent is not to boast, but simply to share some of the miraculous things that God is doing in the lives of those who visit the website. All of the glory is HIS alone!

We believe these testimonies speak louder than anything else we could possibly say; so without further ado…Please read them and be blessed, as we have been! We have purposely withheld names to protect people’s privacy, but we do have the full letters and emails in our records. We praise God for all that He has done through this website. He gets the glory!

His Grateful Servant,
Betty Miller-Haddix

What People Are Saying (Testimonies)

“Thank you so much for this web site. As I sit and read the daily devotional, I say “thank you Lord” because they really knew what I needed today! Of course I know that it is God who knows, but it is you who are being obedient–and I just want to say THANK YOU.”

“The website has been such a wonderful, helpful tool for me! Both my husband and myself will take a topic off of the Bible Answers tab and research, discuss and talk for hours about each topic. I truly thank GOD for this ministry and how it helps us in our walk with Christ! Stay Blessed and highly favored in the Lord!!”

“Greetings I am a new officer in the U.S. Army. I have been a Christian for several years and am glad to have a place where I can quickly access scripture while on duty during downtime. It is nice to have access to the living water without having to plan ahead and lug a cumbersome book everywhere. Thank you from one in the trenches.”

“I just love this website. You share the unwatered down Holy Word of the living God. Thank you for blessing me. I just recently got on line and am using The website to aide in my daily time with Jesus.”

“I found your site on the internet some months back and I am grateful to God that I did. I have made Betty’s Daily Devotional a regular part of my day. Your teachings, insight and heartfelt prayers provide council, direction and encouragement to me on a daily basis. I have had your ministry on my heart for the past couple of months. I am sending a contribution today! May God richly bless you and broaden your ministry through electronic media.”

“I thank God for this site! Today, I read about Spiritual warfare and a few other articles. I received encouragement, for just last night I was battling with the storms that are in my life and feeling very defeated. And one of my main concerns was addressed within these articles! Praise God!”

“This is a great web site! Very informative on relating and explaining scripture for relevant modern concerns.”

“A Word aptly spoken is more precious than silver and gold. This site has many words aptly spoken. God Bless ya’ll.”

“As a recently born-again Christian, I have found your site to be extremely satisfying to my spiritual needs. I stay on your site for hours on end. Thank you for creating such a great and user friendly website. It has been very beneficial to me and I’m sure it has for others as well. May the Lord be with you always.”

“I thank you for this web site. It is very encouraging to me as a new Christian and I appreciate the time you all have taken to read and answer our comments. I will spread the word about your web site.”

“Thank you for the Daily Devotional. It is such a blessing to me. I get up every day looking forward to it. You also have a great website.”

“This site has truly blessed me! I really don’t think you guys realize the integrity of the experience we the viewers receive. So many times, the verse of the day and/or the devotional is specific for me. You probably hear this a lot, and so I say it again because it’s so serious. God bless you both & your ministry, we love you!”

“Your site is the #1 place on the Internet to find precise and very accurate info on our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“I was very pleased to find (by “accident” of GOD) your site tonight. What a joy to read your doctrinal statement there to discover a “true-to-the-WORD” ministry. How wonderful that in the midst of this virtual quagmire called the “World Wide Web” there is an island of Faith, Grace and Truth— a piece of “solid ground” on which the lost may find refuge, hope and direction.”

“Out of all the religious sites I’ve stumbled upon on the Internet, yours has kept my interest and I feel really comfortable reading your newsletter.”

“I just wanted you to know that I sincerely appreciate and value your site. I reference its material all the time. I love that it comes from a ministry that believes the entire Bible, are spirit-filled and understands full worship of the Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me a reference and support tool to further my relationship with God at any time, night or day!”

“I really thank God for you, Bud and Betty. I go to The website 2-3 times a day. This site has really been a blessing to me. I do my Bible study on your site and I love the Audio Bible!”

“I love this website. It helped me answer a lot of questions about many different subjects. Each answer I received was brief and strictly to the point. I enjoyed reading them very much.”

“I love your website. I feel great when I can listen to or read the Bible here with you.”

Is the Website Reaching the Lost?

“I found this website about three months ago and it is was great example of how God works! When I found this web site I was looking for a Bible verse. I found the verse, and I also found salvation for my soul. I read the daily scripture and the daily devotional. Between that and my Bible, (which I now read every night before bed), I have discovered the true meaning of love – God’s love!”

“I know I have hurt our Lord by some of the decisions I made in my life. I have confessed, repented, and ask for forgiveness. Your online ministry has been guidance for me through these troubling days. THANK YOU!”

“I have prayed this prayer (salvation) in all sincerity. I need all the help I can get to persevere in my efforts to walk with God and to turn away from evil. God bless you in your work.”  –South Africa

“I am addicted to a drug called Nubain. I need your prayers to release me from my addiction, please, and I am praying for you guys also. Today because of your web site, I invited God and Jesus into my heart! Thank You!”  –United States

“Your website is awesome! It is helping me deal with one of the most difficult trials in my life and learn to find God in the middle of it.”

“I love this website1 It has been a great help for me in learning about what I don’t know about God and what it means to be a Christian.”

“When I first became a Christian, I was in bondage to cigarettes and desperately wanted to stop…I learned about the Baptism of the Holy spirit on this website. And the following Wednesday night, the Lord led me to a Spirit-filled church and the Pastor gave a teaching on the Holy Spirit! Anyway, that night I received the Holy Ghost and never smoked again! I didn’t understand the magnitude of what really happened that night…I just thank you for your website.”

“We are 30 Muslim friends and we have given our lives to Christ. We are grateful for your website and are hoping that you can send us some Bibles.” –Ghana

“It’s a blessing to me to find a web-site about the Bible. I’m very pleased, and wanting to learn as much as I can about the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. This is a difficult time for me and I need some inspiration in my life. Thank you for your time.”

Is The Website Encouraging Other Ministers?

“Thank you for having such a wonderful web site. I check it every day to see what the scripture of the day is and it is always what I need to get me going in the right direction. God bless you and keep pressing toward the mark. Amen.”

“I have been viewing your webpage for several years and have referred many to your site. I have found answers there that enabled me to help others. My wife and I are in full time ministry. As we travel around the country and see the many lost but thanks to yourselves and all of us collectively we’re winning the battle. May God Bless you richly!”

“Just been introduced to this website. I can assure you that I will be a regular visitor to this website. God will bless you for this vision as you are committed to it in Jesus name. Amen.”

“I would really like to thank the Lord for you and your ministry. You really help me a lot as I learn more about practical things using this site in conducting Bible studies for adults in depressed areas in our vicinity of which is am ministering, and helps me some more during my own devotional time. I am using some of your “Bible Answers” during our Bible studies. I really praise the Lord for you and your ministry. I am sure you are helping more people than you could imagine, I am one of them! God Bless the work of your hands.”  –The Philippines

“I really like using the website. It has helped me understand the issues facing our world today and how as Christians we are to deal with these issues–using scriptures from the Bible. As a new Minister it has also aided my studies and my counseling with others. Thank you for being a part of my life.”

“I am very glad to visit your Christ Unlimited Ministries. I praise God for your vision and burden for the perishing souls. I am serving the Lord as Prayer Co-coordinator in my own church ministry. I will pray for your Ministry for the glory of our Lord from now onwards.” –India

“Your site is Awesome! I Hope that More people, both Christian & non-Christian find their way to Christ through your site.”

“I was truly inspired and blessed by coming across your ministry on the net. There are so many carnal things available; it’s extremely good to see that Christ is also being magnified through this means. I felt the anointing as I read through your web page and so I submit a request. I know better than to have just anyone pray for me. I believe by the Spirit of God that you are truly anointed and doing what you should be at this hour.”

“I am very interested in sound biblical study and preaching resources. I am a seminary student but it seems as if I am sometimes missing something. If the cost is not prohibitive, I will purchase your materials.”  –Seminary Student

Is the Prayer Room Helping People?

“I would like to thank the Lord for helping me find this website. It has helped me in ways I can’t even imagine. I would also like to thank everyone that is involved and all the prayer intercessors for their faithful work. May the Lord bless you, keep you and make his light to shine upon you.”

“I thank you so much for having this site. It helps me in so many ways knowing that there is someone on the same page with God praying with me and believing that God will deliver! AMEN!”

“I am a Wesleyan pastor who just happened to stumble upon your web page. I appreciate your willingness to pray for others. I believe it is important that we lift one another up in prayer. Thank you.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to send in my prayer requests. I praise the Lord for this opportunity to hand my burdens over to Him.”

“Thank you so much for your reply. I can really feel that you care and that means a lot to me…Just knowing that you are there, offering me prayerful support touches my heart deeply.”

“You have been such a blessing to me–I am so grateful to the Lord to have found you because I was sinking!! He has blessed me so much in the past few weeks and I am so grateful both to Him and to you–Thank you, Thank you for praying for me. I was on the wrong road, angry and bitter but now God is at work in my life and I feel hope again! He just keeps providing for me. It is so wonderful! It has been such a long time!! God bless all of you, thank you…”

“Thank you for your prayers. I requested prayer in your prayer room and God is moving in my life.”

Is the Website Accessible?

“I’ve been looking for a nice, easy to understand, Bible study place and chose to look at your home page. I fell in love with it and marked it for a favorite. Thank you for making your home page easy and accessible to all of us.”

“I love this site! It was the answer to my prayers to find a site so well informed and spiritually uplifting! The interface is also easy as well, which makes it easier and less frustrating to reach God’s Word. Thank you for the answer to my prayer.”

“I recently heard about this site from our college Chaplain. I visited the site and I LOVE IT!! Because when I am in a rush and forget to read my Bible before I leave home I can come to this site and keep up with my daily readings. Thank You!”

“I want to thank you for website. When I do not have my Bible with me, I have come to this address to read and study.” –Uganda

“I love your website. It makes reading the Bible very convenient while at work. I love that you have several versions to choose from. I like to read one version and then read and compare it to a different version. You make it so easy, almost instantaneous to find certain scriptures. Thanks!”

“Hello from Tanzania! I just did a search to see if there was such a site that values the word of God just to find yours; Haleluya!”

“I was very glad to find your website. It was God’s way that I found your website. All I did was type a search reference. These letters came automatically in my mind and your site came into my monitor. I truly thank God for this. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring unbelievers and lost Christians closer to God, our Lord and Savior.”

Is God Using Bible to Reach the World?

“This is a great site! My parents aren’t Christians and this site has been really helpful to me, thank you!” –Australia

“God Bless you and your ministries till the second coming of Jesus; and his Mighty hand always be with you. I am thankful to our Lord Jesus for this website, from where I have learned so much about the facts and truths of life. I have received blessing from this site.” –Pakistan

“Thank you very much for your messages. They have been of great help to me, especially “Overcoming Life Digest”. I have learnt more about the enemy, and Spiritual warfare. God Bless you abundantly as you continue preaching His word.” –Kenya

“I would just like to say I really enjoy coming onto the internet and searching through the Bible for quotes I can use when evangelizing to my friends. (I’m 16 years old). I’ve been a Christian for years but I am only just getting baptized, (September) so I’m real excited. Cheers.” –England

“Thank you so much for this site. I was surfing the web the other day and came across this fantastic site. From that moment on I have felt the power, peace and love of God with me. Your work here on the internet has been so powerful and influential.” –Australia

“I really enjoy reading everything on this site, it is updated with the latest news, and explaining what the Bible says about it. This really builds up my faith knowing that we truly serve a living God. Thank you for taking the time to inspire so many people in this world. May God richly bless your ministry.” –New Zealand

“To God be the glory! I am truly blessed and inspired by your daily devotionals. God has truly used both of you to be a blessing to many of us, as we read the words that he has laid on your heart to write. I always believe that there is power in the words that are written, but even more powerful when one recognizes that it was truly inspired by the Lord God Almighty!” –Virgin Islands

“It’s really wonderful to open your site. I have gone through most of the Bible Answers and have even copied for future readings. Thanks for the good work.” –India

“A friend of mine told me about the website and now I am blessedly hooked…I print material all the time to read at home and share with other folk.” –South Africa

“Thank you! I can read God’s Word online. The Book is a banned and scarce item in this part of the world. God answered my need thru this site. Thank you. I will spread this news around. The Lord bless you more!” –Saudi Arabia

“It is a great site. Almost every day, I try to start with daily quotes from the website” –Thailand

“I think this is a wonderful web page for people from all over the world. Through it I learn how to have hope, faith and love. Thank you for your wonderful site and mostly for your “Daily Devotional” which encourages me and comforts me each day of my life.” –Romania

“Thank you for providing us the Bible online. This is one of the most precious gifts that anyone can receive.” –USA

“Not only does your site reveal the truth, but it also lets people all around the world get to know who Jesus Christ is!” –Kuwait

“What a wonderful site to stumble upon…Isn’t it great that Christianity is becoming a global village in contact internationally with God’s wider movement? So exciting!” –South Africa

“Your website has really brought nourishment to my soul. I am daily becoming a better person. My God, the Father, truly has granted you his favor and blessings according to his Word!” –Zambia

“It’s great to find people who are working to spread the Word of God by building a site such as this. People like me who are inspired and trying to live on and by the Word of God find your efforts helpful and inspiring. Thank you for allowing me to be able to go through with my Bible reading especially in the office where Bible sites are convenient to view using your site.” –Philippines

“I am blessed to hear the Bible narrated online. I always listen in my free time in the office. God speed to you and your staff.” –United Arab Emirates

“Your site is a Blessing. Whenever I am at my desk at work and I have a little moment to spare where I need to be inspired by the Word of God I click on my favorite Bible link. I cannot begin to tell you how much this site is a Blessing for those in the world. I am a Christian young woman and I believe people searching the internet wanting information on the Bible have a Great Resource Tool in this website. I pray that God continues to bless you both for what you have given to the world.” –London, England

“Just found your site and I think it is very inspiring. As a new Christian, having been baptized on May 1st this year, your site is comforting to me. Thank you and Praise God.” –Wales

“As I was searching a Bible verse that I just received from my Father-in-law to look it up in a few different versions, I got on to your web page! I read the article from the Arizona newspaper and was just amazed at what God has done through you at your age! May the Lord bless you richly and abundantly as you continue to serve Him faithfully.” –Switzerland

“It is surprising that I have surfed the web on a daily basis for the past seven years but it has never occurred to me that there might be a Bible online where I can access and read daily readings before I start my day at work. I thank you for having this facility. I have renewed my vows with the Lord. I thank you again.” –Swaziland

“Thank you for your wonderful website! I have been consulting it for nearly a year. It means you don’t have to lug your Bible to work every day yet you can have recourse to the Bible at a spare moment in the day. Your website has helped me so much. Thank the Lord!” –Cayman Islands

“My life has never been the same since I discovered the website and I give God the glory for what you are doing. It has really helped in my spiritual growth. Please keep the wonderful work up and GOD in his infinite mercy will crown your success.” –Nigeria

Is the Website Reaching the Youth?

“My Mother printed me an article from this site which at the time I was kind of not wanting to read because I did not want to hear anyone’s comments or opinions about what I was going through. However, she presented me with something I could not turn down and that was the true and factual word of God. I thank my Mom for reminding me of Gods way and I thank you The website for being here as a constant encouragement and as a place to find solutions for the real issues of life.”

“I believe in God but I don’t know what to do when I’m at school and people talk about me because I am believing in God! Sometimes I sin at school and I don’t mean to, so this web site has helped me a lot by encouraging me to stand up for what I believe in and not give up! God bless you and the people that visit this site!” –13 year old

“Mr. and Mrs. Miller, your website is awesome. I told all my friends about it and they love it too. I try to come here every day to see what the scripture says on the homepage. The prayer room is awesome too.” –14 year old

“Thank you so much for the spiritual bread you serve on this site. I recently discovered your site during some difficult times in my life. After eating this bread I was empowered to face the troubles I had knowing that God was in it. Thank you very much.”

“You have a wonderful site with great resources and answers to some of life’s most challenging issues. I thank you for your commitment to do God’s will. You and your site are a great inspiration to my spiritual growth!”

“I am 19 years old and an old friend of mine told me about this web site. Since the day I found it I loved it. I am just now trying to really get myself together and live like Jesus. I appreciate the web site and I hope to one day understand the Word of God better because of you all.”

“I love your website. I try to visit every day for the devotional. There are so many things that have made an impact on my life from your website.”

“I just checked out your website because my dad thought it would be good for me. I’ve been getting in trouble a lot, fighting at school etc. I enjoy reading about God and what the youth are doing and I’m going to keep visiting this website. Thanks!”

“Hi, I wanted to tell you that I love this program. I come on here almost every day twice a day. I love to read the Bible and find what I need. I wanted to say thank you for this program.” –13 year old

“Thank you for making this site. I recommended it to my friend who is in need of the Lord right now and I pray that it helps her out. It has been a great help to me in my walk of salvation. Thank you again.” –14 year old

“I am so glad to have found your website. I am raising two Christian boys and they are Internet active. My biggest concern is the lack of “wholesome” sites for them to visit. Yours will assist them in their quest for knowledge of the Lord and in discovering who they are and their mission in life through the Bible.”

“I really enjoy being able to come home after school and go onto the Internet and find something that isn’t all about sex or crime or drugs or enemies or war, but about Jesus Christ, which is my favorite topic on earth…”

“I am 16 years old. I have read the prayer and meant it. I believe in Jesus and love him. I am a Baptist and have been Baptized. Please send me more information on how to be a Christian…”

“Hello. I am only 14 years old but I want you to know that I loved reading your articles. They really touched my heart and make me realize that the Lord is the right way!”

“Since I have discovered this site, I have been blessed by the daily devotional. The “Bible Answers” have also been helping me in my Bible studies as the youth coordinator of my church.” –Uganda

“I’m 19 years old, and I recently reaffirmed my faith in our great Lord Jesus and was baptized. I am writing this to simply say thank you so very much for your wonderful web site. With so much perversion and depravity in the world today the Lord’s message can become obscured and tainted. It is good to see your passion for our Lord!”


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