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Prayer Room

We have numerous articles on prayer in this section and actual prayers you can pray over your individual issues. You can also send a prayer request to us and our intercessors will pray on your behalf as well. Enter the Prayer Room

Proverbs Devotional

Read by millions – this is the teaching devotional that has changed lives. It is a short 5-minute read with scripture and prayer. It will help you in your spiritual and practical life. Based on Proverbs — the Gospel’s book of wisdom. Optional Bible verse devotional as well. (1) Read the Daily Devotional on Proverbs (2) Listen to the Audio Book of Proverbs

Ministry Bookstore

Our Bible Resource Ministry Bookstore has Bible Study materials and other tools to help you grow in God and become a student of the Word of God. To become an overcomer one of the most important things we can do is to become strong in God, by studying the Bible. Shop the Bookstore
