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The Man Who Wore Dreadlocks:  What The Bible Says about Samson

By Betty Miller

Betty Miller Photo
Betty Miller on Samson’s Race

Many people who have viewed the TV mini-series of The Bible that débuted in March of 2013 have asked whether Samson was black, like the actor who portrayed him. To answer this we must look at scripture, as the Bible reveals the truth regardless of human suppositions, opinions and ideas.

Poetic License

Before discussing this topic, we should note that the producers’ motive in filming this series was to better acquaint this generation with the Bible. And I do believe they are accomplishing this.  They kept the theme of this production closely in line with the Bible–showing that Bible stories are real and that the God of the Bible is with His people. It was emphasized that the same God is still here for all who will turn to Him in faith and repentance. Since some are asking if casting Samson as a black man in this series is really in the Bible, we will first respond by stating that most importantly a new generation is learning the amazing stories in the Bible. I applaud them for bringing forth such a challenging work.

Almost all Bible movies over the years have taken poetic license with the stories to make them more realistic. However, the additional scenes or changes in interpretation typically are to make the story more appealing to a modern audience.  Perhaps the authors of this series wanted to take a nontraditional approach to gain more social and cultural impact with a Samson who wore dreadlocks.

However, as a teacher of the Word of God, when people ask me a direct question about the accuracy of something, in all good conscience I feel I should reply forthrightly, especially since is in the public forum.  Although I have only seen the first two series at this time, I have noted some things that do not line up exactly with the Word of God in the story about Samson.

What the Bible Says about Samson

Samson was from the Israelite tribe of Dan. According to the Bible, the Danite tribe consisted of the descendants of Dan, a son of Jacob and Bilhah, Rachel’s maidservant (Genesis 30:40). In the Biblical account, Dan is one of the two children of Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaid and one of Jacob’s wives, the other child of Bilhah being Naphtali. Some scholars see this as indicating that the authors saw Dan and Naphtali as being not of entirely Israelite origin (being descendants of handmaids rather than of full wives) so I can only presume that may be why they portrayed Samson as black in this movie series; however, the Bible does not say Samson was black, nor that he was not of the Jewish race. This is theory, in my opinion, as the Bible does not tell us what color of skin Samson had. Certainly there is a possibility there were Ethiopians who may have been black who joined the original Israelites.  Moses married one. (Moses’ first wife Zipporah was “Shemitic” (descended of Noah’s son Shem). However, Moses married a second time to a woman from Ethiopia (Kush)–whose name is never mentioned. This can be found in the Bible: Numbers 12:1: And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.)

Since the Bible pointed out that Moses married a black woman, it stands to reason if Samson was black, the scripture would have also noted that, even as it did concerning the Ethiopian in the New Testament that Phillip witnessed to. With the mention of the Ethiopian in the New Testament and the one Moses married, this seems further proof that Samson was not black since the scripture did not record it, as in other places in scripture.

Some have written us, questioning this portrayal, as it has created some confusion because the scriptures do not say that he was black. Even previous older movie depictions show him as a Caucasian, an Israelite. The Bible tells us he was a Hebrew judge of Israel from the tribe of Dan. Portraying him as black will not matter for most people’s understanding, but for true students of the Bible it is important to defend the accuracy of the Bible. However, the portrayal of Samson being black does not change the impact of the story of Samson in this movie. Here is what the Bible says about the genealogy of Samson. We want to point you to the entire thirteenth chapter of Judges for the whole story.

Judges 13: 2And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not.
And the angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.
Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing:
For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.
Samson was that son.

Additional Deviations

As a defender of the accuracy of the Bible, we can point out other deviations from the scripture in this mini-series story of Samson, as well. The Bible did not say that Delilah cut off his hair.  It states that she caused him to sleep (which could have meant she got him drunk) on her lap and then she called a man servant in to shave his head. The seven locks the Bible spoke of were probably braids (Judges 16:19). It also appeared to me in the movie there were more than seven locks on the black man’s head. (The seven locks have a spiritual meaning.)

Now it is not a great departure from Scripture to show Delilah cutting his hair as she was the instigator behind the act. However, to be totally accurate, we must acknowledge that the Word of God said that a man shaved his head while he slept in Delilah’s lap. A contributor to his loss of strength could also have been that he broke his Nazarite vow of refraining from drinking alcohol, because he never woke up while his head was being shaved so he must have been in a drunken stupor.

Judges 16 (KJV):
And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.
And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.

Other instances in which the producers take poetic license in some scenes stir me to comment, too. I do not approach this casting of Samson from any racist viewpoint, as we have many black brothers and sisters that are wonderful saints of God and they have my utmost respect and admiration. However, because many people who have never read the Bible will believe what they see, they might not understand that Samson was an Israelite and a Hebrew judge of Israel. This is important because of the spiritual types in the Bible. It will not matter for most people’s understanding, but for true students of the Word, it is very important in the understanding of Bible doctrine. Personally, I think it would have been better if they had not portrayed Samson as black, as it raises more questions than answers, especially since the scripture is silent on this matter and even previous movies portrayed him as a Caucasian Israelite.

Another departure from scripture in the movie was the scene that depicted Dagon’s house collapsing immediately after Samson’s eyes were put out.  This did not happen right away, but there was a time lapse, as Samson was first taken to the prison house for a time and forced to grind at the mill. (The spiritual lesson we learn from this, is that when one sins, they can end up grinding at the mill of bondage in spiritual blindness.) Later after Samson’s hair began to grow again, he was taken to the house of Dagon where he used his last act of strength to destroy his enemies along with about 3,000 of the Philistines when he pushed on the house’s pillars causing the whole house to collapse. (Go to Judges 16 to read the entire story as recorded in the Bible.)

All For God’s Glory

I am rejoicing that someone would invest their time and talents to produce and show this great series. I do not think that it is appropriate to criticize this work because of the lesser scriptural inaccuracies, when overall, so far, they have kept the stories in the Spirit of the Bible. It is better to have an overall knowledge of the Bible than none at all. This generation is in great need of recognizing the God of the Bible and this series acknowledges Him.

The bottom line:  We all need to learn more about the Bible. Our questions should drive us to read God’s Word to see if videos, movies and sermons line up with the Bible records, instead of solely depending on others to tell us what it says. Bible study is rewarding and fun. God can, and will, reveal to every true seeker the answers we are seeking if we will begin to read and study the Bible. In regard to The Bible series, we praise the Lord for every work that brings glory to God.  We pray that the Lord will bless this work to direct people to read the Bible, so they can know the God of the Bible.

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Topic: What the Bible Says about Samson
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What the Bible Says about Samson

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Black Hebrew Israelite

    It is interesting that everyone tries to neglect true Hebrews certain blacks i.e. “Black Hebrew Isrealites” as GOD’S TRUE CHOSEN people. When it’s all said and done you revealed your racist and prejudice. Religion has tried to whitewash the Bible erroneously to make the characters supposedly seem like they were white when they were and continue to be certain “black folks” all along. When its all said and done,
    Judges 16:13
    King James Version
    “And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.”

    Samson is a “Black Hebrew Isrealite” locks are black people’s hair, certain black folks especially i.e. the true Hebrews (Black Hebrew Isrealites). Samson mentioned weavest the seven locks of my head with the web” he is referring to harlot Delilah another black woman i.e. African not a “Black Hebrew Isrealite” that wanted to cut off Samson’s long black dredded hair as a black Hebrew man that represented his connection, strength and wisdom to GOD THROUGH THE MAN CHRIST JESUS!

    Everyone in the Bible that is a true Hebrew i.e. “Black Hebrew Isrealite: is a black Hebrew including JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, GOD MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH is a ‘Black Man” who is a True Hebrew” that happens to be a “Black Hebrew Isrealite” all twelve tribes of Isreal were black because they came from their father Jacob who later was known as Israel who was also black, his father Issac was black, his father Abraham was black!
    The darkest secret in the history of mankind is that Esau (Jacob’s) brother is where you and all the white race come from i.e. all the white race, you and them don’t want to accept it and robbed Jacob’s lineage i.e. (Black Hebrew Isrealites) because you all felt that it was more appropriate to tied to being considered the people of GOD. But GOD THROUGH THE MAN CHRIST JESUS has awoken HIS people and informed them i.e. the true “Black Hebrew Isrealites” of their true hertiage and lineage as GOD’S CHOSEN people!

    The Bible describes Esau as a white man that came out different from his brother Jacob who was black along with his father Issac and his mother Rebekah who were all black! All the white race was first known as Edomites, Esau’s race! So white people aren’t Isrealites but rather they are Edomites masquerading as Isrealites!

    It’s a things that make you say, HMMMMMMM!

    That’s the cold-hearted, unadulterated and cutthroat truth telling fashion.

    1. john

      shut up you dumb fucking nigger

      1. Dtruth

        what a racist idiot you are. go study and if you hate the idea of black people of the bible then sorry for you.

    2. Evette McGee

      Well said and all true. Thank you for your courage. It has been right in front of our eyes the entire time. God’s word is the historical truth.

      Regal Class of the House of Judah (Watch from beginning to end)

      Deuteronomy 28:68
      Lamentations 5:10
      Job 30:30
      Lamentations 4:7-8
      Judges 16:19

    3. Dave

      Blasphemy….your people are not Jews…..but that’s ok… because Jesus loves you no matter where you’re from….but making up his race or other biblical figures to make yourself feel special is blasphemy… Jesus wasn’t black…he wasn’t white….he was Hebrew…not African….get a hold of reality and focus on what matters…the word.

  2. Bruce

    Fist off I have to say I’m highly dissapointed.”YOU” do NOT change God’s words nor the way it is depicted!”YOU” do NOT cater to the new generation!”YOU” have altered what was written to appease those who whom you serve.God is all colors but as written,Samson was NOT of color. Altering an already painted picture,only creates a fake.

  3. Lafayette Funches

    A black man writing this. Nowhere in scripture,does it say Samson was black. Samson was an Israelite, a full descendant of Abraham through Isaac and his father, Jacob; he looked just like very other Israelite, no different. The depiction of Samson as almost a wild animal walking around roaring is rooted and grounded in American racism. The depiction of a dumb black man lusting after a trashy white woman fits the mold of modern day American evangelicalism. Also, Scripture says Satan walks around masquerading as “an angel of light”, not as the black person the series showed him to be. All in all, this was a highly offensive and racist presentation.

    1. E McGee

      He was a black Hebrew and so was Joseph. Watch the video in my post comment. We all have one thing in common, we love God. That’s all that matters.

  4. Chelsea

    Slavery of African Americans: Lasted 246 years
    : 305, 326 total slaves
    : Taken from Africa
    Jews: (In Egypt) Lasted 430 years
    : 2-3 million slaves
    : After release/ chased down spent 40 years in the wilderness
    Nazi Jews: 12 more years
    : Killed 160,000 to 180,000
    : 6 million more were tortured and killed in their camps plus 5 million prisoners of war.
    Just some facts to acknowledge

    1. Dmoss

      Facts? Try 12+ million Africans in the transatlantic slave trade. Not to mention all of those who were forced “breeding” like livestock? This is a shame you list this facts like they’re to be compared sin is sin & evil is evil. All of those events were influenced by evil. If you really want some facts.

  5. Jason

    “This can be found in the Bible: Numbers 12:1: And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.)

    Since the Bible pointed out that Moses married a black woman, it stands to reason if Samson was black, the scripture would have also noted that, even as it did concerning the Ethiopian in the New Testament that Phillip witnessed to.”

    ☝?️☝?️☝?️? This is supposition…never is it, does it, nor was it stated that the Kushite was “Black” not would there have been a need to, considering Kushites and Shemites–especially the Ancient variety–were both what would be considered “black” today. Her Kush-ness was of note bc she wasn’t of the House of Jacob…nothing at all to do with color. And to suppose or surmise any different shows more about your own view of what’s written. Miriam spoke against Abba Moshe bc he stepped out of his Nation…nothing to do with the color nor complexion of his skin. The Most High put her in place bc she was completely out of pocket. What The Most High purposes let no man speak against…this includes His Prophet. The fact that several different accounts in the Bible tell us that Israelites–not to be confused with modern-day ISRAELIS–went into Kemet…Hamet…modern-day Egypt…to hide…and we know the original man, as well as the ancient Egyptians were–say it loud–DARK-SKINNED…Mizraim being the BROTHER of Cush…folks want so badly to exclude us from the narrative, but SEEM like they’re trying to be “holy.” But really don’t understand the true meaning of the word…or The Word.

  6. Sharon L Brown

    All Biblical characters are portrayed as Caucasian on the movie screen. But this is not Biblically correct. You making a big issue out of Samson being Black, shows your true nature, even though you say you are not racist. I think you need to go back and do some research of your own. The area were the Bible is written about, couldn’t possibly be Caucasian. We all come from Adam and Eve !!

  7. Hadassah

    Not to mention, how many TRUE Middle-Easterners, particularly 2000 years ago, and please also take GEOGRAPHY into consideration, were actually Caucasian? – in the desert – just slightly above Africa itself; ”some” people simply Don’t want many millions of other folk, those of the red, yellow, brown Hues, to actually Know their True identity, even in today’s time, today’s world.

  8. Josephus

    I have two questions. 1. What is lock of hair look like. 2. Why we worship on Sunday day

    1. charles

      Saturday is the actual Sabbath… that is the day I worship on… it was changed by catholicism shortly after Christ died on the Cross to gain their numbers with a civilization who worshiped the sun god… even Christ kept the Sabbath… God after making the earth rested on the seventh day… God never changed what was… since the begining of time as far as we know… man changed it to Sunday… well actually our enemy did to create a counter fit for the true Sabbath…

  9. John

    Well I would like to know what race or color was Samson seeing he did have seven locks or braids bible accuracy right, because I’ve study the scriptures and nowhere does it mention anyone having locks of hair any philistines nor Egyptians ect ect and to plainly say it without saying it you are claiming Samson was white not biblical accuracy at all.

    1. Dave

      Never seen a real jew before? They grow locks of hair….women have locks of hair doesn’t mean dreadlocks you clown.

      1. Jacqulin

        When it’s ALL over, people will find out the Truth! Too much racism!!! Only black people have locks! .NO other race has them. The book of Revelatio states that Jesus had hair like wool and feet as bronze. I DONT CARE what color Jesus is, OR others. I just want to see Jesus in peace!!! God bless you all!

  10. Kahnya

    If we’re going off of the correct “appropriation” of biblical individuals based on skin color wouldn’t you find something wrong with the way Jesus is portrayed in film, especially in the mini-series that was the premise of your argument? The bible speaks of Jesus having a dark complexion, and hair as white as wool (Revelation 1:14-15). The actor portraying Jesus doesn’t seem to fit into any of those boxes. I don’t want to assume anything but it’s rather odd you would pick apart the portrayal of Samson but not the portrayal of Jesus or any other actors… It greatly speaks of your character and the idea that figures of the bible are only acceptable when they’re portrayed by a white actor.

  11. Yvette

    Well researched and well written. And the simplest proof… In the beginning God created Adam and Eve from the dust and breathe life into them. I dont think that he found white dust for his creation. Even modern day white scientists know that black skin and black eyes are Dominant features while white skin and light eyes are recessive. To put it plainly, black people existed first just as the Bible states.

    1. John

      Well I would like to know what race or color was Samson seeing he did have seven locks or braids bible accuracy right, because I’ve study the scriptures and nowhere does it mention anyone having locks of hair any philistines nor Egyptians ect ect and to plainly say it without saying it you are claiming Samson was white not biblical accuracy at all.

    2. Becky

      No where does it state what color of skin the first humans had. All humans are different shades of the earth… dirt, dust. 1st grade color palate… so called “white” humans are NOT white. Just like all “black” humans are not black. Humans are all different shades of colors of the earth. All hair textures are different. Geez humans use the brains God our Holy Father and creator gave us. It doesn’t matter any way. God has no issue with “color” so, why should we???

      1. JASON

        It’s not about color in a class system, but it is very important to those of us whose heritage was literally stolen, beaten, and raped out of our Men, Women, AND Children. Yeah. It’s VERY important to those of us who have been taught and told that we are so much garbage and refuse for hundreds of years, ESPECIALLY when The Book was written FOR us. And here’s my counter to your offer…if it’s such a minute issue, then why do you ALL work so hard to discredit and dismiss it? Why hold so tightly to the notion of a “white” Messiah? Y’all would rather INVENT a color/complexion, saying he was “olive-skinned” rather than “black.” And do you know why? Bc at the bottom of it all, to admit HIS beautiful blackness is to admit that it was HIS People that were forced to endure the atrocities that happened during Slavery. I’d be scared too. He’s going to come back. And just how do you think he’s going to feel about HIS People being subjected to that? Why do you think he’s coming with Sword in hand? Who do you think He’s coming to deliver? Hell, what Nation has been mistreated to the brink of the meaning of the word “savagery?” What Nation NEEDS salvation? And here’s the bottom line…The Book says if HIS People who are what? CALLED. BY. HIS. NAME. But y’all so busy tryna cover up and deny of those People are, how ARE we supposed to call on Someone we’ve been told doesn’t know us? LoL we’ve awakened, sad as that may make some folks…we’re returning to OUR Father…to OUR Torah…and I don’t know about u…but I think it’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

  12. Yvette

    Well researched and well written. And the simplest proof… In the beginning God created Adam and Eve from the dust and breathe life into them. I dont think that he found white dust for his creation. Even modern day white scientists know that black skin and black eyes are Dominant features while white skin and light eyes are recessive. To put it plainly, black people existed first just as the Bible states.

  13. Sara

    After reading your blog….I think it just hurt you to see a black person being portrayed as Sampson….but you never said anything about Sampson being portrayed by a caucasian all this years…..Is only God who knows their skin type during that century…..u use the word dreadlocks but u still think Sampson wasn’t black…but ancient, or white…. remember that those ancient we see to day are mix race of caucasians like the Arabs, parkistan, China, Philippines and more…even UK their native were blacks and most of this ancient have blacks in their countries as natives example philippinose

  14. Lisa

    I want to piggy back on the following statement: “The Israelis weren’t Caucasians they were hard to tell apart from the Egyptians.”

    First of all, when Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get food during the drought, they did not recognize their own brother. Not surprising, since their brother had been gone and presumably dead for 20 years. However, what is surprising and notable is the fact that the brothers didn’t recognize the kinsmen –like qualities that Joseph must have displayed, since in fact he is their true brother. In other words, if the brothers are white and the Egyptians are black, then it should have been obvious to the brothers that Joseph was one of them or a Jew, notwithstanding the clothes or language he spoke.

    Secondly, Moses fooled the most educated man in Egypt, the Pharaoh, posing as his grandson for many years. This should have caused great concern if Moses, a Jew and therefore white (according to this website), posed as an Egyptian (a tribe known to be black). When Moses escapes into the wilderness, he encounters the daughters of Midian, whom he rescues; and when asked who saved them, they replied “An Egyptian delivered us …” Exodus 2:19. Now if Egyptians are known to be black, why would they claim that Moses, a Jew, was Egyptian? Again, even if his clothes and language were that of Egypt, surely his skin color would have informed them that he was something other than Egyptian. Hummm!

    Thirdly, one of the greatest concerns or conflicts would be when GOD directed Joseph and Mary to “flee into Egypt” (Matt 2:13). How would that be possible? If Joseph and Mary are Jews (therefore white); and their son is surely what they are being born from at least Mary’s genes; how would they hide in a country of black citizens? Hummm!

    If we contend that Jesus was a special looking Jew, which is why he could be distinguished as white, I would direct your attention to the bible, Matt 26:49, where it states that Jesus was betrayed or identified with a kiss. This identification was necessary, because the garden was filled with all of the disciples; and apparently Jesus didn’t look distinguished enough to just point out. I would also point you to Isaiah 53:2 where is says that Jesus wasn’t anything special to look at by design.

    If we really want to become more aware of how hard it was to tell Jews from Egyptians, we should look at Acts 21:38 where Paul is accused of being an Egyptian. This should come as a surprise to the savvy bible student; since Paul claims to be a citizen of Rome (the Romans are white). So why would they jump to the conclusion that Paul is an Egyptian (from a tribe of black people?). Paul has to explain that he is a Jew, from the tribe of Benjamin. Hummm!

    Lastly, if we read Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 (GOD always uses repetition when HE wants to place emphasis on a message) we learn that there are those that say they are Jews , but are lying about it; and are truly of the synagogue of Satan. If we look at all of these biblical facts, we can see today that those claiming to be Jews today are not the true Jews. GOD knows his true family.

  15. Lisa

    I want add to your discussion on race and further explain some of the examples you used to discuss what the bible defines as race.
    First of all, when Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get food during the drought, they did not recognize their own brother. Not surprising, since their brother had been gone and presumably dead for 20 years. However, what is surprising and notable is the fact that the brothers didn’t recognize the kinsmen –like qualities that Joseph must have displayed, since in fact he is their true brother. In other words, if the brothers are white and the Egyptians are black, then it should have been obvious to the brothers that Joseph was one of them or a Jew, notwithstanding the clothes or language he spoke.
    Secondly, Moses fooled the most educated man in Egypt, the Pharaoh, posing as his grandson for many years. This should have caused great concern if Moses, a Jew and therefore white (according to this website), posed as an Egyptian (a tribe known to be black). When Moses escapes into the wilderness, he encounters the daughters of Midian, whom he rescues; and when asked who saved them, they replied “An Egyptian delivered us …” Exodus 2:19. Now if Egyptians are known to be black, why would they claim that Moses, a Jew, was Egyptian? Again, even if his clothes and language were that of Egypt, surely his skin color would have informed them that he was something other than Egyptian. Hummm!
    Thirdly, one of the greatest concerns or conflicts would be when GOD directed Joseph and Mary to “flee into Egypt” (Matt 2:13). How would that be possible? If Joseph and Mary are Jews (therefore white); and their son is surely what they are being born from at least Mary’s genes; how would they hide in a country of black citizens? Hummm!
    If we contend that Jesus was a special looking Jew, which is why he could be distinguished as white, I would direct your attention to the bible, Matt 26:49, where it states that Jesus was betrayed or identified with a kiss. This identification was necessary, because the garden was filled with all of the disciples; and apparently Jesus didn’t look distinguished enough to just point out. I would also point you to Isaiah 53:2 where it says that Jesus wasn’t anything special to look at by design.
    If we really want to become more aware of how hard it was to tell Jews from Egyptians, we should look at Acts 21:38 where Paul is accused of being an Egyptian. This should come as a surprise to the savvy bible student; since Paul claims to be a citizen of Rome (the Romans are white). So why would they jump to the conclusion that Paul is an Egyptian (from a tribe of black people?). Paul has to explain that he is a Jew, from the tribe of Benjamin. Hummm!
    Lastly, if we read Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 (GOD always uses repetition when HE wants to place emphasis on a message) we learn that there are those that say they are Jews , but are lying about it; and are truly of the synagogue of Satan. If we look at all of these biblical facts, we can see today that those claiming to be Jews today are not the true Jews. GOD knows his true family.

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