Sermons from the Popular Overcoming Life Series
by: Betty Miller

What is overcoming according to the Bible?
How do we overcome as born again Christians?
And why must we overcome?
Based on the Bible, to “overcome” means to live in the victory of Jesus Christ. It means to live in victory over the old nature, and to live in victory under the new nature. It means through Christ we must appropriate, in practical living, the victory purchased by Jesus through His redemption.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5
Many today are being taught that being saved is enough, but don’t confuse “overcoming” with “being saved.” We are saved, all at once, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. But once we are saved, we must then “work out our salvation.” We must, through a series of life-long choices, allow the redemption which saves us, to grow to possess us, so that we become more and more like Jesus.
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13
I am crucified with Christ: neverthless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Overcoming, by definition, involves warfare. I must stand in the victory of Jesus Christ, refusing the old, and yielding to the new. We must do this, for God will not do this for us. “He that overcomes” is a qualifying mark given to those who are to reign and rule with Jesus Christ.
The primary reasons why Christians fail to overcome, and fail to experience what Jesus Christ has won for them is lack of knowledge and unbelief. So often we hear Christians saying things like they are trying their hardest to overcome their struggles and old nature, but the Bible reveals that we must never try to overcome so that we might enter into the victory of Jesus Christ; rather, it reveals that we can overcome BECAUSE His victory is already secure.
In this series you will learn that the victory of Jesus Christ is finished. Our warfare is never to WIN ground; to WIN the victory. Our warfare is to HOLD ground. We already possess the victory in Jesus Christ. For those who can believe and receive this truth, having faith and obeying God’s Word, will take possession of the areas in their life that were formerly occupied and controlled by the old nature and the lies of the enemy.
Christ warned that great deception would be one of the signs of the end times. In these teachings, instruction is given on how to recognize false prophets and teachings. Clear Scriptural guidelines are given on discerning the Spirit of truth versus the spirit of error. These teachings deal with how to judge without being judgmental.
- Lesson 1 – Establishment of the Word – Watch/Listen Now
- Requirements for overcoming; knowledge and obedience; learning to prove all things; testing false doctrines; dealing with error and false signs and wonders
- Lesson 2 – The Bible is Our Standard – Watch/Listen Now
- Facts about the Bible; What God’s Covenant means to us; Purposes of the Bible
- Lesson 3 – Acquiring True Knowledge, Bible Translations and Reference Books – Watch/Listen Now
- True knowledge; Inspiration of scripture; Bible reveals the plan of salvation; Various Translations; Ways to study the Bible
- Lesson 4 – Principles of Interpretation – Coming Soon
- Interpreting the Bible: Hermeneutics; How to get answers from God; Other sources of understanding the Word; Guidelines for testing other sources
The True God
This is a teaching on the character of God, explaining why God does certain things, and why it is against His nature to do other things. It differentiates between the things for which God is responsible and the things for which the devil is responsible. Our responsibility as Christians destined to overcome is made clear so that we can live victorious lives.
- Lesson 5 – God’s Nature and Character – Watch/Listen Now
- Images of God; We can really know God; Sonship with the Father begins with the new birth; Becoming like our Father requires knowing His character; Levels of spiritual growth; How we grow to maturity; God’s ultimate desire for His children
The Will of God
These lessons teaches us not only how to know the will of God in our personal lives, family, ministry and finances, but also brings understanding as to why God allows sin, sickness and suffering in the world. As overcomers, Christians are not to suffer under many of the things we have accepted as normal.
- Lesson 6 – God’s Word is His Will – Watch/Listen Now
- Defining God’s will; God’s will is not always done; God wants us to seek His will; Keys to answered prayer
- Lesson 7 – Asking According to the Word – Watch/Listen Now
- The truth about God’s will for us; The truth about suffering; The truth about the suffering of Job and Paul; God’s way of chastising His children
Keys To The Kingdom
Instruction on how to gain authority in God’s Kingdom through prayer is the topic of this teaching. Many principles and methods of prayer are covered, such as praying in the Spirit, fasting and prayer, travailing prayer, praise, intercession and spiritual warfare.
- Lesson 8 – How to Use the Keys: Part 1 – Watch/Listen Now
- Authority given to us by God; Prayer; Positioning ourselves for prayer: lifting hands, bowing heads, prostrating self; Methods of Prayer: anointing with oil, laying on of hands, speaking the Word of God, prayer of agreement, to the Father in the name of Jesus, praying without ceasing; Intercessory Prayer: Jesus our great intercessor, God seeks intercessors
- Lesson 9 – How to Use the Keys: Part 2 – Watch/Listen Now
- Praying in the Spirit (tongues-private prayer language), Praise and worship
- Lesson 10 – Becoming an Overcomer – Watch/Listen Now
- Benefits of Praise, Travail, Fasting
Exposing Satan’s Devices
This teaching is a powerful expose’ of Satan’s tricks, tactics and lies. Cult and Occult methods and groups are listed so Christians can detect their activity. Demon activity is discussed and deliverance and casting out demons is dealt with in detail. Satan’s kingdom is uncovered and the Christian is taught to overcome through spiritual discernment and warfare.
- Lesson 11 – Defining Our Enemy – Watch/Listen Now
- Satan’s identity, Satan’s fall, Satan’s punishment, Satan’s power
- Lesson 12 – Satanic Deception – His Evil Tactic – Watch/Listen Now
- Satan’s devices, False religions and cults
- Lesson 13 – Walking on Enemy Territory – Watch/Listen Now
- False religions and cults (continued), Occultism versus Christianity
- Lesson 14 – Satanic Deception: Objects and Idols – Watch/Listen Now
- Overcoming Satan’s plans, Overcoming Satan’s curses
- Lesson 15 – Guidelines for Casting Out Demons – Watch/Listen Now
- Casting out demons, Manifestations during deliverance, Symptoms of oppression, Curses inherited and spoken
- Lesson 16 – The Christian’s Authority Over the Devil – Watch/Listen Now
- War between the kingdoms, Weapons of warfare: The Armor of God
Healing of The Spirit, Soul, and Body
In these teachings you will learn how to overcome emotional problems, as well as physical ones, and how to receive divine healing. It also teaches how to renew the carnal mind and walk in the spirit of life, thereby overcoming depression, loneliness and fear.
- Lesson 17 – Healing is for the Whole Person – Watch/Listen Now
- God’s desire for man’s wholeness, The spirit man, Law of sin and death
- Lesson 18 – The Soul Man – Watch/Listen Now
- The components of the soul, Emotions shape the personality, The outward man
- Lesson 19 – Negative Physical Manifestations of the Body – Watch/Listen Now
- The roots of physical problems, The purpose of the blood of Jesus Christ
Neither Male Nor Female
These teachings address what the woman’s role is in the church and home? Who is a woman’s spiritual head and covering? Does God call women to the five-fold ministry? What does God’s Word say about divorce, celibacy and choosing a marriage partner? These and other woman related topics are scripturally examined.
- Lesson 20 – What is True Submission? – Watch/Listen Now
- Bible teaching concerning women (women’s liberation, homosexuality), Principles of submission and headship
- Lesson 21 – Women’s Role in the Church – Watch/Listen Now
- Five-Fold ministry gifts, Women ministers in the Old and New Testament, Women in the ministry today
- Lesson 22 – The Biblical Pattern of Wholeness for Women – Coming Soon
- Women’s problems in the home and ministry, Paul’s advice about marriage, Keys to a happy home and family
Extremes or Balance?
Many Christians have hurt the cause of Christ through “out-of-balance” teachings and demonstrations. These teachings show how to avoid those areas. It also teaches how to deal wisely with the excesses and extremes in the body of Christ.
- Lesson 23 – Extremes Damage the Christian Walk – Watch/Listen Now
- A balanced walk avoids extremes, The three main categories of Protestantism, Balance in the Operations of the Holy Spirit
- Lesson 24 – Problems That Cause Extremes – Watch/Listen Now
- Extremes or Balance, Balance is knowing the Holy Spirit – not just His gifts, Balance: Trust, Faith, and Right Motives
The Pathway Into the Overcomer’s Walk
- Lesson 25 – Principles of the Overcoming Life – Watch/Listen Now
- Pathway of the overcomer, Man’s responsibility/God’s responsibility, The key to our completion of salvation, Loss of salvation, Believer’s security
- Lesson 26 – The Goal of the Overcoming Life – Watch/Listen Now
- Goal of the overcoming life, New Testament overcomer, Rewards of overcomers, Overcomers in the millennium,
- Lesson 27 – Hindrances to the Overcoming Life, Part 1 – Watch/Listen Now
- Main hindrance – pressures of money; love of money; lack of good stewardship; tithing; giving; laying it all down to follow Jesus
- Lesson 28 – Hindrances to the Overcoming Life, Part 2 – Watch/Listen Now
- Second hindrance – physical body and fleshly desires; gluttony
- Lesson 29 – End Times Revelations – Watch/Listen Now
- Overcoming end time warnings/controversies (rapture, tribulation & persecution), Overcomers in the millennium
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Betty Miller has written several books on other topics as well. To view titles or purchase those books visit our bookstore.
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