Our Bible Video Message:

Welcome to the Bible Video area of Christ Unlimited’s website at BibleResources.org. We wanted to thank you for being a part of our online community. Our motivation behind establishing this ministry on the Internet is to take the church where people live.
We bring these videos and our site to you to communicate an Overcoming Life Message to help you in your daily walk with God. Our hearts are burning with the Lord’s command to obey the Great Commission and take the gospel to the world so they can know Jesus. We want to strengthen the body of Christ with teachings that will help you and others grow in the Lord, and we hope that this Bible Video area and our site will help.
Today all it takes is a little connection to the Internet to make available the truths in the Bible so that we can communicate the life of Christ. This is so amazing to us. At this time there are 2 billion people that use the Internet and more than half a billion people go online using a mobile device. However, the Lord is truly amazing, and we are so thankful to be able to add a regular video program to the type of message we are bringing you, and hope that this Bible video blesses you as well.
As you probably know, today the Kingdom of God is being established as frequently through the social media websites and rich media like video as it is in person, and with results suggesting the huge harvest online may be the greatest Internet moment in human history. Because of this, we want to help equip you to be a part of this great move of God. We previously founded Bible.com and have now moved over 10,000 pages of content to this new site in order to continue our work on BibleResources.org. We are still adding material and will soon be launching our new online video ministry. Pray for us as we make these preparations as this has been a long time coming. We want share our walk of faith with you.
The church now has the technology and manpower to reach every man, woman, and child on earth. We are the first generation in all human history to have this capacity available to us. BibleResources.org is here to help equip the people of God to rise up and meet this challenge. We invite you to join us in this endeavor.
Topic: Bible Video
URL: Bible Video