Christmas 2012
We love the wonderful traditions of Christmas — the carols, reading of scripture, church services, greetings, gifts, decorations and feasting, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that Christmas has also become a challenge for most of us, because of the busy lifestyles we lead. Also, we all struggle with the forces that seek to rob us of the real meaning of Christmas such as the materialism and commercialism that produce stress, as in the midst of the Holy Season, we madly rush to address cards, decorate, bake, cook, shop, wrap, and ship our gifts to loved ones.
When Bud and I were young, Christmas was a lot different in this country. Who would believe there would come a day that there would even be a discussion about whether the greeting at Christmas should be “Merry Christmas” or the now, politically correct, “Happy Holidays?” We are now told we must include every other holiday greeting during our Christian holiday and thus crowd out Christ, our Savior. All true Christians love to share Christ and what He means to us with others and that is what has made Christmas different than the other holidays. We, as Christians, not only share gifts with one another, we share with the poor by giving gifts to children who otherwise would have nothing. We feed the hungry in churches across the nation; take groups caroling to brighten up the lives of those in prisons and rest homes. Christians visit the sick, the hurting and the lonely. The spirit of Christmas has brought joy and blessing to the rest of the world and the one responsible for it, is our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we reach out in love. We must not allow those who hate Christ, to stop us from loving and giving, because that is what Christmas is all about. God sent His son to save us from our sins. What a glorious and wonderful gift to us!
We are reaching out on the Internet at to many lost, lonely, and confused people who are finding the Lord, and answers to their problems by seeking help from the Bible — the wonderful Book God gave to mankind. Those who have no religion come seeking, and the Holy Spirit touches them through something they read on the site. What a unique plan of God to use computers and the Internet for evangelism. We are so happy to be cyberspace missionaries. Thank you for being a part of what we are doing through your love, prayers and support. Your help is bearing much fruit for the kingdom of God. We also appreciate your ongoing support to help us we launch our new audio/video outreach on the website in January. Although this has been one of the most difficult years for us, we are grateful that His mercy endures forever. He is ever faithful to be there for you, as well, if you are experiencing hard times and call on Him. He came to bring “Peace on Earth and Good Will to All Men.”
We are humbled to be called to be servants of the most high God and we pray that we can encourage you in this coming New Year via the new audio video outreach at We are praying for you to be blessed in a special way this coming year and that you will hear the voice of the Lord clearly in all you are seeking him about. We wish you a very Merry Christ Christmas and a blessed New Year!
His grateful servants,
Pastors Bud and Betty Miller
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Contact Information:
Christ Unlimited Ministries * P.O. Box 850 * Dewey, AZ 86327 * (928) 632-8005