Daily Devotionals for October 11
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Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.
Proverbs 26:3 (AMP):
3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a (straight, slender) rod for the backs of (self-confident) fools.
Thought for the Day
Some people will only be persuaded to obey by receiving their instruction through punishment, like a horse or a donkey. Some animals are more sensitive or intelligent than others and train more quickly. Others are very stubborn and will only obey if a bridle or whip is used, which is what today's proverb refers to. The "fool" in this verse is likened to an unreasonable animal that stubbornly refuses to obey despite its training. It will take a rod on his back to get him to respond.
Many of us act like stubborn fools at times, going our own way instead of obeying the Word of God. We would not have to receive the "rod to the back" for correction if we would simply obey in the first place. God comes to bring life and blessing, but to receive it we must learn to obey His Word. We choose hardship when we disobey. There are two ways to learn obedience: One is to learn from instruction. God instructs us by speaking to us through His Word, directly by His Holy Spirit to our hearts, and also through other people. Another way we can learn is by suffering the results of our own rebellion, which will cause us to change. When we refuse to seek God's instruction, or to obey what we know, we invite the enemy to do us harm. The Bible also reveals that when we leave God out of our homes, businesses, schools, and governments, it allows the enemy to wreak havoc in our entire societies.
God does not desire forced obedience. He does not want us to be driven to Him by a rod of correction, but rather that we obey Him from our hearts because we love and trust Him. All of His commandments are for our good. He freed us from the tyranny of sin so that we could obey Him; and He is worthy of our love and trust as no one else is. Our precious Lord would never ask us to do anything that would not ultimately be a blessing to us. Sometimes that blessing is not immediately seen; yet, if we hold fast and continue to follow in Him, we will discover His beautiful plan. We must let Him work His patience into our lives and not always expect instant answers. This is difficult, as we are living in an age in which everything is instant: coffee, tea, mashed potatoes, etc. Our Father longs for us to respond as mature sons, instead of as unreasoning animals. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you" (Psalm 32:8-9).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Click Here to listen to the audio Book of Proverbs from the International English™ Bible.
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Special Price: $19.95
Page Count: 408
Size: 8½" X 11"
Bound Paperback
Millions have read "God's Wisdom for Daily Living" by Betty Miller online. We have many testimonies of how it has changed their lives. It can change yours. You can now purchase this 365 Daily Devotional Bible Study Book in Paperback. This book is a yearly meditation based on the entire Book of Proverbs. This unique book is more than just a daily devotional; it is also a series of mini-teachings, helping you to both study and meditate on the Word of God. Proverbs reveals the Wisdom of God, and helps us know how to deal with the every-day problems that we all face. You can now have the entire book of God’s Wisdom for Daily Living by clicking here to order.