Mark Chapter 17 KJV (King James Version)
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Please make sure the Bible Chapter or verses you selected exist. Make sure that the beginning verse is not a higher number than the ending verse.
Also, make sure that if you selected a New Testament Bible that you did not search for an Old Testament Book. Or, if you selected the Transliterated Hebrew OT that you did not search for a New Testament Book.
Genesis: 50
Exodus: 40
Leviticus: 27
Numbers: 36
Deuteronomy: 34
Joshua: 24
Judges: 21
Ruth: 4
1 Samuel: 31
2 Samuel: 24
1 Kings: 22
2 Kings: 25
1 Chronicles: 29
2 Chronicles: 36
Ezra: 10
Nehemiah: 13
Esther: 10
Job: 42
Psalms: 150
Proverbs: 31
Ecclesiastes: 12
Song of Solomon: 8
Isaiah: 66
Jeremiah: 52
Lamentations: 5
Ezekiel: 48
Daniel: 12
Hosea: 14
Joel: 3
Amos: 9
Obadiah: 1
Jonah: 4
Micah: 7
Nahum: 3
Habakkuk: 3
Zephaniah: 3
Haggai: 2
Zechariah: 14
Malachi: 4
Matthew: 28
Mark: 16
Luke: 24
John: 21
Acts: 28
Romans: 16
1 Corinthians: 16
2 Corinthians: 13
Galatians: 6
Ephesians: 6
Philippians: 4
Colossians: 4
1 Thessalonians: 5
2 Thessalonians: 3
1 Timothy: 6
2 Timothy: 4
Titus: 3
Philemon: 1
Hebrews: 13
James: 5
1 Peter: 5
2 Peter: 3
1 John: 5
2 John: 1
3 John: 1
Jude: 1
Revelation: 22
Please make sure the Bible Chapter or verses you selected exist. Make sure that the beginning verse is not a higher number than the ending verse.
Also, make sure that if you selected a New Testament Bible that you did not search for an Old Testament Book. Or, if you selected the Transliterated Hebrew OT that you did not search for a New Testament Book.
Genesis: 50
Exodus: 40
Leviticus: 27
Numbers: 36
Deuteronomy: 34
Joshua: 24
Judges: 21
Ruth: 4
1 Samuel: 31
2 Samuel: 24
1 Kings: 22
2 Kings: 25
1 Chronicles: 29
2 Chronicles: 36
Ezra: 10
Nehemiah: 13
Esther: 10
Job: 42
Psalms: 150
Proverbs: 31
Ecclesiastes: 12
Song of Solomon: 8
Isaiah: 66
Jeremiah: 52
Lamentations: 5
Ezekiel: 48
Daniel: 12
Hosea: 14
Joel: 3
Amos: 9
Obadiah: 1
Jonah: 4
Micah: 7
Nahum: 3
Habakkuk: 3
Zephaniah: 3
Haggai: 2
Zechariah: 14
Malachi: 4
Matthew: 28
Mark: 16
Luke: 24
John: 21
Acts: 28
Romans: 16
1 Corinthians: 16
2 Corinthians: 13
Galatians: 6
Ephesians: 6
Philippians: 4
Colossians: 4
1 Thessalonians: 5
2 Thessalonians: 3
1 Timothy: 6
2 Timothy: 4
Titus: 3
Philemon: 1
Hebrews: 13
James: 5
1 Peter: 5
2 Peter: 3
1 John: 5
2 John: 1
3 John: 1
Jude: 1
Revelation: 22