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How To Search For A Topic From The Bible

  1. First select the Bible Version you want from the drop down list. Next, enter a Single Bible Word such as “grace” or an Exact Bible Phrase such as “grace of God” in the Search Bible Topic input box. A Singe Bible Word or an Exact Phrase must be entered exactly as it appears in the Bible Version you are searching right down to any punctuation that occurs in a Bible Phrase. Finally, press the “Search Bible Topic” button.
  2. For a Single Bible Word the Bible Search will, in addition to the word itself, return any prefixes and/or suffixes that exist for the Bible Topic you enter. If you don’t want prefixes returned in the search results enter a space before the single Bible Word you are searching for. In a similar way, if you don’t want suffixes put a space after the single Bible Word. If you want to find only the single Bible Word you enter place a space before and after the Search Word in the Search Bible Topic input box. To retrieve a single Bible Word without a suffix that ends a sentence enter a period after the single Bible Search Word.
  3. Example 1: If you want to find verses on the Topic of healing instead of entering the word healing into the Search Bible Topic input box you could enter the word heal instead. If searching in the KJV the search results would now include the words heal, healing, healed, healeth, heals, healer and health. Since all the variations of the word you are searching for start with the letter “h” and to elimiate some unwanted results you could search for heal with a space before it like this: ” heal”.
    If you only wanted the word heal returned in the search results you would simply enter a space before and after the word heal like this: ” heal “. To make sure you didn’t miss any occurrences of heal that occur at the end of a sentence you would also enter the word ” heal.” with a space before and a period after the word. In this case you would see “No results found” since the word heal never occurs at the end of a sentence.
  4. Example 2: If you wanted to find every occurance in the Bible of Abraham and Abram you could search for the letter string “Abra” to return both Abram and Abraham in the search results. Since both names start with the letter “A” you could also place a space before the search letter string like this: ” Abra”. In this case the space before the letters doesn’t matter but is there to eliminate any prefixes being added to the beginnig of the search letters. No space should be placed after this string since you want the search results to return both Abram and Abraham.
  5. If you enter a Bible Phrase the Bible Phrase Search will only retrieve verses that contain that exact entire phrase right down to any punctuation that occurs in that Phrase. In addition, the Exact Phrase must also match exactly the wording of the Bible Version you are searching or else you will see “No results found”. An Exact Bible Phrase can be up to 100 characters in length. However, for most Phrase Searches a short phrase of 2 to 4 words will easily find what you are searching for. Additionally, in most cases you do not want to enter a space before or a space or period after a Phrase Search.
  6. When you enter a Bible Word or an Exact Phrase to search for keep in mind that the search is case insensitive. Capitalized letters and lower case letters are treated the same. If you want the Search results to have proper capitalization displayed on the Search Results Screen then use proper capitalization in the Search Phrase you enter.
  7. To view the whole Chapter of a particular verse in the Bible Topic search results click on the Bible verse reference for that verse.
  8. To alter an entry you have already made press the “Go Back” button and modify your Search entry.

How To Search For Bible Verses:

  1. To view an entire Bible Chapter first select the Bible Version you want from the drop down list. Next, select the Book of the Bible from the next drop down list. Then enter the Bible Chapter you want leaving the verses boxes blank. Finally press the “Search Bible Verses” button.
  2. To view a Chapter Verse Range first select the Bible Version, Book and Chapter you want. Then in the Verses input box enter the beginning verse and in the Thru input box enter the ending verse you want. (Note: Make sure the beginning verse number is not higher than the ending verse number as this will retrieve only the beginning verse). Finally press the “Search Bible Verses” button.
  3. To view a single verse set the Verses input box and the Thru input box to the same verse number or just enter the beginning verse.
  4. Also, make sure that if you selected a New Testament Bible that you did not search for an Old Testament Book. Or, if you selected the Transliterated Hebrew OT that you did not search for a New Testament Book.
  5. To view the next or previous Chapter in the Search Bible Verses results click the “<-- Previous Chapter" or “Next Chapter –>” buttons at the bottom or end of the Search Bible Verses search results. If you entered a verse range and want to see the entire current Chapter click the “View Current Chapter” button.
  6. To alter an entry you have already made press the “Go Back” button and modify your Search entries.
  7. If you prefer to select Bible Verses from a full page listing of Bible Versions, Bible Book Names and Chapters then from the main menu choose Read the Bible, then Search the Bible. Next choose the Bible Version you want, then the Bible Book and finally the chapter.

How To Search For Parallel Bible Versions:

  1. To view entire Parallel Bible Chapters first select the Bible Versions you want from the two Bible drop down lists. Next, select the Book of the Bible from the book drop down list. Then enter the Bible Chapter you want leaving the verses boxes blank. Finally press the “Get Parallel Bibles” button.
  2. To view a Chapter Verse Range first select the Parallel Bible Versions, followed by the Book and Chapter you want. Then in the Verses input box enter the beginning verse and in the Thru input box enter the ending verse you want. (Note: Make sure the beginning verse number is not higher than the ending verse number as this will retrieve only the beginning verse). Finally press the “Get Parallel Bibles” button.
  3. To view a single parallel verse set the Verses input box and the Thru input box to the same verse number or just enter the beginning verse.
  4. Also, make sure that if you selected a New Testament Bible that you did not search for an Old Testament Book. Or, if you selected the Transliterated Hebrew OT that you did not search for a New Testament Book.
  5. To view the next or previous Chapter in the Parallel Bible results click the “<-- Previous Chapter" or “Next Chapter –>” buttons at the bottom or end of the Parallel Bible search results. If you entered a verse range and want to see the entire Current Chapter click the “View Current Chapter” button.
  6. To alter an entry you have already made press the “Go Back” button and modify your Search entries.

How To Copy, Paste and Print Search Results

  1. First, select the Bible verses you want to copy. Next, select copy from your Browser to place your selection on your computer’s clipboard. Open Notepad or any other text editor and select Paste to copy your verse selection to NotePad or any other text editor. Finally print your selection from Notepad or other text editor.
  2. If you want to use Microsoft Word, after you have selected and copied the verses you want to the clipboard, choose Paste –> Paste Special –> Unformatted Text or Unformatted Unicode Text from the Microsoft Word menu and then click “OK”.
  3. In Microsoft Word if you now want to remove the extra spaces between verses select “Replace” from the menu. In the Find what entry box enter: ^p ^p (there must be a space between the two ^p‘s. Next, in the Replace with entry box simply enter: ^p. Finally press Replace All to remove the extra space between the verses.
  4. If you want to print a set of verses directly from your browser first select the verses you want to print and then in Chrome right click in the selected verses and choose print from the pop-up menu.
  5. In FireFox, after selecting the verses you want, next from the menu choose File –> Print. Then in the Print Range section choose the Selection radio button. Finally press “OK” to print.
  6. In Internet Explorer choose File –> Print from the menu. Internet Explorer only lets you select and print a whole page or a page range at a time.