Intercessor Requirements
(Please read the following before proceeding to the Application)
Do you have a calling for Intercessory prayer?
Do you have access to the Internet, either at home or in a public location?
Do you take the call to pray seriously?
Do you have a burden to be more actively involved in a world-wide ministry that is establishing the kingdom of God in personal lives, one person at a time?
Are you willing to invest your time into the lives of others who will never know who you are until we reach Heaven?
If you answered “yes” to the above questions, perhaps the Lord is calling you to join the Intercessory Prayer Team at! If you are interested, please read on.
What is the Intercessory Prayer Team?
This team is composed of intercessors from around the world who have signed up with us in order to pray for the prayer requests that people leave on our special web page. To protect the privacy of those leaving prayer requests, this page is hidden from the general public and only available through a secret password to our intercessors.
What does it take to join this team?
If you wish to be an intercessor, you must fill out an application. We take this ministry very seriously and are careful to screen out those who may not be suited to this ministry, or who may want to join for the wrong motives. If you are accepted, you will receive your password and an introductory letter from us via email.
What are the responsibilities of joining this ministry?
All we ask is that you pray for the prayer requests that are posted. You can make your own schedule by coming into the special site whenever you wish and staying as long as you like. It is up to you. However, we do find that making a schedule and keeping it is very beneficial to remaining faithful to prayer. You can come in every day, or you can come in once a week. You can take a month off if you need a break. However, please keep in mind that new prayer requests come in every hour, and that the old ones will be automatically purged from the web page. Therefore, to pray for the most requests, you may want to come in every day. In addition to praying for the prayer requests that are in this prayer room, we will also be sending you a short letter periodically, as the Lord leads, to encourage you in prayer. This letter will also include a short list of any current prayer requests that we, as a ministry, are facing. We would appreciate your standing with us in prayer for these requests for
May I discontinue at anytime?
Yes. Because your prayer schedule can be custom-designed according to your personal schedule, you may discontinue at any time by simply not accessing the prayer page any longer. If you do discontinue, we ask that you do not share the password with anyone else. We also ask that you log in to the prayer room and click on the “Membership Maintenance” menu item. Your personal information will be displayed. Just check the box marked “Please remove me from the Intercessor list.”
May I do this ministry with a prayer group?
Yes, by all means. If you have a local intercessory prayer team that you belong to, you are more than welcome to share these prayer requests with that team. You may print out the page of prayer requests off of the website, if you so desire. So that we may have a good idea of the demographics of those who are working with us, all we ask is that you let us know if you are involved with a prayer team. If you know others who would like to join the Prayer Team, please encourage them to come in and apply with us.
I am interested in joining the Prayer Team. What do I do next?
Continue to the application process… Coming Soon