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Betty and Bud Miller ImageBetty and Bud Miller
Christ Unlimited Ministries

About the Author: Betty Miller

Betty Miller and her former husband, Bud, served the Lord together as founders of the multi-visioned, ministry outreach, Christ Unlimited Ministries. They had served as pastors, teachers, and evangelists, with an apostolic/prophetic calling to proclaim the gospel through the Internet. Betty is a teacher of the Word of God, with a beautiful ability to present truth in a simple and understandable way. She has authored 21 books, plus numerous articles and teachings posted on the website. She attributes her gift of writing to the Lord. Their biggest mission field has been the outreach on the Internet by the founding of two major websites, first, (which they later sold to another ministry) and now,, taking the Word of God to every nation of the world. Their only resource is unlimited — faith in God’s ability to meet, not only their needs, but the needs of those people seeking answers to their many problems. Bud and Betty share the pulpit together as they impart the truth of God’s Word to others and what God has done in their lives.

The outreaches of this ministry have stemmed from a tremendous desire to see the Word of God taught in its balanced entirety. Bud and Betty are firm believers in prayer, and through it have seen many released from the bondage of sickness, fear, failure and defeat through the principles of the overcoming life in Christ. God has endowed Betty with an anointed gift of teaching that makes her a practical and effective “handmaiden of the Lord.” Before Bud’s passing in 2020, both Bud and Betty had evangelistic and mission hearts, desiring to tell everyone of God’s wonderful love.  Bud had been a pastor for many years in the Prescott, Arizona area. Bud and Betty taught together at the Christ Unlimited Fellowship’s local Bible School. Their anointed teaching came across with simplicity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The website contains over 71,000 pages that God has used and is using to reach millions of people around the world with the Word of God. The website has a Bible Search feature with the Bible in many different languages and translations, a Prayer Room, Bibles Answers, Bible Teachings, Daily Devotionals, plus many other Christian resources.

Betty is now remarried to Earl Haddix. Betty is a woman who shares her life as a wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, teacher and minister. Most of all, she shares her love of the Lord, whom she credits with making her life one of purpose and joy. She and Earl live in the mountains of northern Arizona where she continues to write and minister.

View Some of Betty’s Books
